Man Made Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers is a horror short story collection that traces the lives of one Cherokee family across centuries in the past and the future. And I fucking loved reading it. The stories range from horrifying to melancholy, light-hearted to suspenseful. I thought the overall tone of the collection was one of familial reverence, survival in the midst of impossible circumstances. The presentation of the book itself insists on Cherokee resiliance, with characters interspersing Cherokee language in their dialogue, illustrations by Jeff Edwards incorporating Cherokee syllablry, and a small glossary of Cherokee terms in the back.

Some stand-outs for me in the collection are:

One miscellaneous thing: the title chapters of the book are printed in all black ink, creating some stunning illustrations. However I think I was one of the first ones to check this book out from the library, so definitely felt guilty getting my greasy finger marks on the matte black pages. I can't help it though- it's the end of chilly fall here and my hands require copious amounts of moisturizer to survive.